Stewardship Letter October 2023

October 4, 2022

Dear Sunrise,

We’re in the midst of a Fall sermon series called “Home Economics” – where we’re exploring the vows we make as we partner in ministry with Christ and each other.  When we join a local church, we support its missions and ministries – and deepen our own relationship with Jesus – through “our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.”

What would it look like if our church expanded its mission and service in our community – to serve others at the point of their need and to offer the love of Jesus while doing so?  As we look ahead to the coming year, we want to empower our Missions Committee to lead us in broadening our service with the local community – and we want to empower our youth to develop their own missions efforts where they can serve and grow together as disciples of Christ.

In recent weeks, you’ve heard some of Sunrise’s leaders speak in worship about our shared hopes for the coming year as we look ahead to Consecration Sunday on November 6th.  As our Finance Team gathered requests from leaders in all of our ministry areas, we are planning a budget of $460,000 to accomplish all that Christ is calling us to do in 2023.

Earlier this year as our church was experiencing financial strain, several leaders on our Finance team shared in worship about the disproportionate nature of Sunrise’s funding.  12-15 families in our church contribute nearly 50% of our church’s offerings, and there are many who participate in our church’s life but do not yet contribute financially.  Sunrise is funded entirely through the contributions of its members and constituents – that’s all of us together. 

Over the coming weeks, we ask you to pray with your family about your financial contributions in the coming year.  If Sunrise is your church home, and you do not yet contribute financially, we ask that you consider giving one percent of your income to support our missions and ministries.  If you contribute financially, but do not yet tithe, we ask that you increase your giving by 1%.  If everyone offers a little, there can be a surprising abundance.  And if each non-tithing family increased their giving by 1%, that would have a tremendous impact for our church.

There are two funds to which you can contribute:  Our General Fund (from which all our missions, ministries, salaries, utilities, etc.) are funded.  Or, our Capital Maintenance Fund (a dedicated reserve fund specifically for future big-ticket facilities needs like HVACs, sound system, roof repairs, etc.).  If you want more information about Sunrise’s budget or finances, email our finance team at and your email will be sent to our Financial Secretary, Finance Chair, and Treasurer.

We’re excited for the year ahead, and for the many new opportunities and beginnings it will bring.  And, we are grateful for your partnership as we make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.   

John Michael                           Mike Whitley                          Jay Barr

Pastor                                      Finance Chair                          Lay Leader