Preschool Forms and Documents

Carpool Authorization Form

Occasionally, you may have someone other than yourself or your spouse pick up your child from preschool. On such occasions, we need to be notified in writing who that person will be. Sending a note in your child’s bag the morning of the change will be sufficient notice. For your child’s safety, we will check…

Media Release Form

Sunrise UMC Preschool uses internal and external media to highlight our preschool experience in a variety of ways, which may include the use of photographs and videos of students. For example, student images may be published or displayed in printed materials (such as brochures and newsletters), videos, and church and preschool websites. The school websites…

Immunization Agreement Form

By entering my name and submitting this form, I confirm that I understand that my child needs to be fully vaccinated before August 15th to attend Sunrise Preschool, I will send the preschool director the updated vaccination record via email to, and if a vaccination record is not received or if my child does…