Weekly Service Opportunities

There are a handful of tasks we ask of you every week: greeting, scripture reading, providing dinner for youth, etc. This is where you can find all the sign up links for these service opportunities. Thank you for your time and energy in keeping Sunrise cruisin’ along!

Be a Sunday Morning Greeter: make sure everyone who enters our building is warmly welcomed and all their questions are answered.

Read scripture during worship: from the lectern, read our scripture passage for the day; appropriate for ages 12+.

Help lead Children’s Sunday School: from 10-11am, offer guidance and enthusiasm as our youngest Sunrisers explore Bible stories, songs, and other fun activities.

Help lead Children’s Church: during the 11am worship service, help kids spend time together learning scriptural lessons in a safe, fun environment built for them while parents stay and worship in the sanctuary.

Help lead Youth Sunday School: teach our 6th-12th grade students on Sunday mornings, 10-11am; curriculum provided.

Provide dinner for a youth group meeting: bring store-bought or homemade dinner for 15-20 kids (including gluten-free and vegetarian options/modifications!) at 5pm on Sunday evenings.