Mid-2022 Financial Appeal Letter


July 27, 2022

Dear Sunrise,
Over the past two Sundays, Jay Barr (Lay Leader) and Fred Haggard (Treasurer) have spoken in worship about Sunrise’s current financial condition. For the past five months, offerings to the General Fund have been sharply lower than average, causing us to restrict spending, suspend apportionment payments, and to draw down our cash reserves at an unsustainable rate. Our Finance and Staff-Parish Committees are currently discussing how to further reduce costs, especially through staffing expenses. At the current rate, we anticipate that we will need to reduce our staff by a minimum of two positions before the end of the year if offerings do not increase to average levels.

Here’s what we know: Sunrise is a congregation of 700 professing members, but 10 families
(including the pastor’s family) contribute 50% of our total offerings. If families who currently do not contribute financially were to begin contributing 1% to 2% of their income, our offerings would dramatically increase. If families who currently contribute financially increased their giving by 1- 2%, we would could fully fund our ministries without dipping into reserves. If every member family tithed, we estimate our offerings would be more than triple that of our actual annual budget ($430K).

Here’s our request: Please pray with your family and ask the Good Lord for guidance. Determine what percentage of your family income you can contribute to our shared ministry with Christ through Sunrise, and then make regular contributions. Your generosity has a real impact for our congregation and for the God’s Kingdom in our community and beyond. Questions? Email our finance team at finance@mysunrise.org or call or email Pastor JM at jmcallister@mysunrise.org.

With grateful appreciation for our shared ministry and fellowship,

Donald Pearson, Council Chair
Jay Barr, Lay Leader
Mike Whitley, Finance Chair
John McAllister, Pastor